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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for HMMDTH - HIMARK Mixed Dbls Thur

Report Date: 4/18/2024 2:14 PM

League: HMMDTH, HIMARK Mixed Dbls Thur

Report Date: 4/18/2024 2:14 PM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team              | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Kat And Rocky     |  73.3 |   225 |  165 |
 Tylor And Mariah  |  60.4 |   225 |  136 |
 Ted And Jessica   |  56.9 |   225 |  128 |
 Elizabeth And Dre |  49.3 |   225 |  111 |
 Debbie And Daniel |  43.1 |   225 |   97 |
 Mark And Kim      |  16.9 |   225 |   38 |

Combined X01/Cricket games, sorted by Percent Wins:

 LastName | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Davis    | Rob       |    15 |    8 | 24.10 | 3.30 |
 Driver   | Tylor     |   225 |  112 | 24.90 | 2.66 |
          | PAULY     |    15 |    7 | 20.08 | 1.59 |
 Driver   | Ted       |   225 |  103 | 21.88 | 2.55 |
 Morley   | Kat       |   195 |   85 | 22.42 | 2.22 |
 Bias     | Dre       |   210 |   73 | 20.19 | 2.13 |
 LastName | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Marr     | Rocky     |   225 |   74 | 21.52 | 2.22 |
 Bruce    | Daniel    |   210 |   60 | 17.37 | 1.79 |
 Shaw     | Shellie   |    15 |    4 | 16.15 | 1.55 |
 Benziger | Elizabeth |   195 |   26 | 14.88 | 1.36 |
 Hevner   | Debbie    |   210 |   27 | 15.26 | 1.43 |
 Washburn | Jessica   |   180 |   21 | 15.49 | 1.48 |
 Pine     | Amber     |    45 |    5 | 14.44 | 1.14 |
 Miller   | Kim       |   225 |   23 | 13.54 | 1.06 |
 Miller   | Mariah    |   225 |   23 | 14.79 | 1.35 |
 Miller   | Mark      |   225 |   15 | 13.98 | 0.97 |
 Johnson  | Lori      |    60 |    4 | 15.02 | 1.43 |

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