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D & R Star
2207 7th Street NW
Rochester, MN 55901

Dartboard Standings File for ADTY21 - Adult Youth 2021

Report Date: 4/24/2024 10:42 AM

League: ADTY21, Adult Youth 2021

Report Date: 4/24/2024 10:42 AM

 League Message                        |
 3 games 501 Doubles 1 score           |
 1 game 301 youth v youth              |
 1 game Bermuda Triangle youth v youth |
 3 games Cricket Doubles 1 score       |
 $10 per team                          |
 7TH ROUND OF 01 GAME                  |
 9TH ROUND OF CRICKET                  |
 Please contact me if Your Child       |
 Is going to Nationals In June         |

Division DC

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team              | Win % | Games | Wins | FeeExpecte | FeeCollect |
 Gage Marks        |  85.0 |    40 |   34 |      21.25 |      21.25 |
 Brodie Van Handel |  60.9 |    64 |   39 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Nathan Schmidt    |  50.0 |    40 |   20 |      21.25 |      21.25 |
 CHASE N Bryan     |  45.8 |    24 |   11 |      12.75 |      12.75 |
 Brad Johnson      |  43.2 |    88 |   38 |      46.75 |      47.00 |
 Team TNT          |  42.9 |    56 |   24 |      29.75 |      29.75 |
 GBG               |  41.1 |    56 |   23 |      29.75 |      29.75 |
 Elisabeth Wilde   |  40.6 |    64 |   26 |      34.00 |      34.00 |

Division MARVEL

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team             | Win % | Games | Wins | FeeExpecte | FeeCollect |
 Darts R Fun      |  65.3 |    72 |   47 |      38.25 |      38.25 |
 Dakotah Anderson |  59.4 |    64 |   38 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Madi And Lins    |  58.3 |    72 |   42 |      38.25 |      38.25 |
 Ezra Kiley       |  53.1 |    64 |   34 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Makyah Thompson  |  46.9 |    64 |   30 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Gavin Hostager   |  42.9 |    56 |   24 |      29.75 |      29.75 |
 Joziah Ozuna     |  41.7 |    72 |   30 |      38.25 |      38.25 |
 Aubrey Scott     |  29.7 |    64 |   19 |      34.00 |      34.00 |


Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team              | Win % | Games | Wins | FeeExpecte | FeeCollect |
 KASON WHYNAUCHT   |  84.4 |    64 |   54 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Marty Modderman   |  66.1 |    56 |   37 |      29.75 |      29.75 |
 Madison Branchaud |  58.9 |    56 |   33 |      29.75 |      25.50 |
 TYLER SCOTT       |  43.8 |    64 |   28 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 AJ Ellefson       |  42.2 |    64 |   27 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Cloe Ellefson     |  40.6 |    64 |   26 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Linkin Ozuna      |  37.5 |    64 |   24 |      34.00 |      34.00 |
 Eko Ozuna         |  26.6 |    64 |   17 |      34.00 |      34.00 |

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