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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for GBELDS - GBE Ladies Dbls

Report Date: 4/24/2024 4:04 AM

League: GBELDS, GBE Ladies Dbls

Report Date: 4/24/2024 4:04 AM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team                | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Jada And Elyssa     |  64.4 |   104 |   67 |
 Brittney And Hailey |  62.5 |   104 |   65 |
 Tina And Jackie     |  46.2 |   104 |   48 |
 Barbara And Bernie  |  44.2 |   104 |   46 |
 Amy And Roxie       |  32.7 |   104 |   34 |

All X01 games, sorted by Wins:

 Player          | Team                | PPD   | Games |
 Bernie Dodson   | Barbara And Bernie  | 13.65 |    64 |
 Lyssa Fultz     | Jada And Elyssa     | 14.39 |    64 |
 Brittany Lozier | Brittney And Hailey | 14.32 |    64 |
 Jackie Parker   | Tina And Jackie     | 13.24 |    56 |
 Hailey Shepherd | Brittney And Hailey | 13.85 |    56 |
 Tina Warren     | Tina And Jackie     | 13.27 |    64 |
 Roxie Sallee    | Amy And Roxie       | 12.18 |    64 |
 Player          | Team                | PPD   | Games |
 Jada Campos     | Jada And Elyssa     | 14.56 |    56 |
 Amy Parker      | Amy And Roxie       | 12.94 |    64 |
 Barb Mauer      | Barbara And Bernie  | 13.79 |    64 |
 Helen Yorn      | Jada And Elyssa     | 15.92 |    16 |
 Bev Logston     | Tina And Jackie     | 11.54 |     8 |

All Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 Player          | FirstName | LastName | Team                | Games | MPR  |
 Lyssa Fultz     | Lyssa     | Fultz    | Jada And Elyssa     |    40 | 1.48 |
 Brittany Lozier | Brittany  | Lozier   | Brittney And Hailey |    40 | 1.56 |
 Jada Campos     | Jada      | Campos   | Jada And Elyssa     |    35 | 1.58 |
 Barb Mauer      | Barb      | Mauer    | Barbara And Bernie  |    40 | 1.10 |
 Amy Parker      | Amy       | Parker   | Amy And Roxie       |    40 | 0.97 |
 Bernie Dodson   | Bernie    | Dodson   | Barbara And Bernie  |    40 | 1.23 |
 Roxie Sallee    | Roxie     | Sallee   | Amy And Roxie       |    40 | 1.06 |
 Jackie Parker   | Jackie    | Parker   | Tina And Jackie     |    35 | 1.13 |
 Tina Warren     | Tina      | Warren   | Tina And Jackie     |    40 | 1.01 |
 Hailey Shepherd | Hailey    | Shepherd | Brittney And Hailey |    35 | 1.14 |
 Helen Yorn      | Helen     | Yorn     | Jada And Elyssa     |    10 | 1.71 |
 Player          | FirstName | LastName | Team                | Games | MPR  |
 Bev Logston     | Bev       | Logston  | Tina And Jackie     |     5 | 1.14 |

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