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Game Time Amusements
10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for MOESAT - MOES SAT MIXED DOUBLES

Report Date: 4/19/2024 9:40 PM


Report Date: 4/19/2024 9:40 PM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Name

 Team               | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Curt And Connie    |  56.7 |   120 |   68 |
 Jason And Kristine |  44.2 |   120 |   53 |
 Kat And Daniel     |  31.7 |   120 |   38 |
 Paul And Lori      |  43.3 |   120 |   52 |
 Steve And Becky    |  74.2 |   120 |   89 |

Combined X01/Cricket games, sorted by Percent Wins:

 LastName | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Chase    | Steve     |   120 |   64 | 25.92 | 3.08 |
 Peterson | Curt      |   120 |   43 | 21.45 | 2.30 |
 Carter   | Jason     |   120 |   43 | 21.36 | 2.22 |
 Lawhead  | Paul      |   105 |   33 | 19.69 | 1.91 |
 Morley   | Kat       |    45 |   11 | 19.30 | 2.19 |
 Peterson | Connie    |   120 |   25 | 17.52 | 1.71 |
 Chase    | Becky     |   120 |   24 | 16.46 | 1.74 |
 LastName | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Bryant   | Chris     |    15 |    3 | 25.30 | 2.21 |
 Bruce    | Daniel    |   120 |   22 | 16.29 | 1.64 |
 Johnson  | Lori      |   120 |   15 | 14.57 | 1.54 |
 Carter   | Kristine  |   120 |    8 | 14.68 | 1.43 |
 Benziger | Elizabeth |    60 |    4 | 14.38 | 1.46 |
 Washburn | Jessica   |    15 |    1 | 15.70 | 1.87 |

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