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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for CDBBAR - C Dbls Bar Warz

Report Date: 4/25/2024 7:24 PM

League: CDBBAR, C Dbls Bar Warz

Report Date: 4/25/2024 7:25 PM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team               | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Aaron And James    |  64.1 |   153 |   98 |
 Londo And Londo Jr |  60.1 |   153 |   92 |
 Steve And Bill     |  60.1 |   153 |   92 |
 Mikey And Jeremy   |  59.5 |   153 |   91 |
 Frank And Jim      |  48.4 |   153 |   74 |
 Chuck And Melissa  |  48.4 |   153 |   74 |
 David And Erin     |  47.7 |   153 |   73 |
 Melissa And Misty  |  39.0 |   136 |   53 |
 Drema And Shelly   |  37.9 |   153 |   58 |
 Darrell And Lisa   |  31.6 |   136 |   43 |

All X01 games, sorted by Wins:

 Player             | Team               | PPD   | Games |
 Mikey Wilson       | Mikey And Jeremy   | 21.92 |    63 |
 James Dunning      | Aaron And James    | 20.05 |    63 |
 Player             | Team               | PPD   | Games |
 Andrew Londo       | Londo And Londo Jr | 23.84 |    63 |
 Erin Haraway       | David And Erin     | 18.42 |    63 |
 Aaron Cheesman     | Aaron And James    | 22.96 |    63 |
 Frank Robinson     | Frank And Jim      | 20.75 |    63 |
 Steve Schmoke      | Steve And Bill     | 21.68 |    63 |
 RJ Londo Jr        | Londo And Londo Jr | 19.98 |    63 |
 Chuck McCarter     | Chuck And Melissa  | 21.57 |    63 |
 Bill Sharp         | Steve And Bill     | 19.48 |    63 |
 Drema Harmon       | Drema And Shelly   | 19.28 |    63 |
 Melissa Wrightsman | Chuck And Melissa  | 17.46 |    63 |
 Jeremy Madison     | Mikey And Jeremy   | 22.98 |    56 |
 Darrell Cardwell   | Darrell And Lisa   | 16.93 |    56 |
 David Bryant       | David And Erin     | 18.73 |    63 |
 Jim Wrightsman     | Frank And Jim      | 18.01 |    63 |
 Misty Bemis        | Melissa And Misty  | 15.89 |    49 |
 Shelly Cheesman    | Drema And Shelly   | 13.09 |    63 |
 Lisa Cardwell      | Darrell And Lisa   | 13.97 |    49 |
 Melissa Smith      | Melissa And Misty  | 17.81 |    42 |
 Danielle Londo     | Melissa And Misty  | 15.92 |    14 |
 Caleb Wilson       | Mikey And Jeremy   | 21.20 |     7 |
 Jami Feece         | Melissa And Misty  | 15.58 |     7 |
 Ralph Pavese       | Darrell And Lisa   | 19.44 |     7 |

All Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 Player             | FirstName | LastName   | Team               | Games | MPR  |
 Aaron Cheesman     | Aaron     | Cheesman   | Aaron And James    |    54 | 2.43 |
 Mikey Wilson       | Mikey     | Wilson     | Mikey And Jeremy   |    54 | 2.28 |
 Bill Sharp         | Bill      | Sharp      | Steve And Bill     |    54 | 2.22 |
 RJ Londo Jr        | RJ        | Londo Jr   | Londo And Londo Jr |    54 | 2.14 |
 Steve Schmoke      | Steve     | Schmoke    | Steve And Bill     |    54 | 2.35 |
 Frank Robinson     | Frank     | Robinson   | Frank And Jim      |    54 | 2.38 |
 Drema Harmon       | Drema     | Harmon     | Drema And Shelly   |    54 | 1.92 |
 James Dunning      | James     | Dunning    | Aaron And James    |    54 | 2.26 |
 Andrew Londo       | Andrew    | Londo      | Londo And Londo Jr |    54 | 2.48 |
 Jeremy Madison     | Jeremy    | Madison    | Mikey And Jeremy   |    48 | 2.35 |
 David Bryant       | David     | Bryant     | David And Erin     |    54 | 1.95 |
 Melissa Wrightsman | Melissa   | Wrightsman | Chuck And Melissa  |    54 | 1.84 |
 Chuck McCarter     | Chuck     | McCarter   | Chuck And Melissa  |    54 | 2.25 |
 Erin Haraway       | Erin      | Haraway    | David And Erin     |    54 | 1.95 |
 Jim Wrightsman     | Jim       | Wrightsman | Frank And Jim      |    54 | 1.86 |
 Melissa Smith      | Melissa   | Smith      | Melissa And Misty  |    36 | 1.88 |
 Darrell Cardwell   | Darrell   | Cardwell   | Darrell And Lisa   |    48 | 1.90 |
 Shelly Cheesman    | Shelly    | Cheesman   | Drema And Shelly   |    54 | 1.38 |
 Misty Bemis        | Misty     | Bemis      | Melissa And Misty  |    42 | 1.77 |
 Player             | FirstName | LastName   | Team               | Games | MPR  |
 Danielle Londo     | Danielle  | Londo      | Melissa And Misty  |    12 | 2.14 |
 Lisa Cardwell      | Lisa      | Cardwell   | Darrell And Lisa   |    42 | 1.15 |
 Caleb Wilson       | Caleb     | Wilson     | Mikey And Jeremy   |     6 | 1.68 |
 Jami Feece         | Jami      | Feece      | Melissa And Misty  |     6 | 1.61 |
 Ralph Pavese       | Ralph     | Pavese     | Darrell And Lisa   |     6 | 2.16 |

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