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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for LUCKSU - LUCKY SUNDAY DBLS

Report Date: 4/19/2024 10:09 PM


Report Date: 4/19/2024 10:09 PM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team              | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Lee And Ed        |  77.0 |   165 |  127 |
 Guy And Justin    |  71.5 |   165 |  118 |
 Ben And Tyler     |  64.2 |   165 |  106 |
 Zach And Hopper   |  64.2 |   165 |  106 |
 BYE 2             |  22.2 |    90 |   20 |
 Matt And Michelle |  20.0 |   165 |   33 |
 Dewayne And Dave  |  18.2 |   165 |   30 |

All X01 games, sorted by Wins:

 Player           | Team              | PPD   | Games |
 Lee Jones        | Lee And Ed        | 35.77 |    88 |
 Ben Phares       | Ben And Tyler     | 29.15 |    88 |
 Guy Perry        | Guy And Justin    | 34.79 |    72 |
 Zach Thompson    | Zach And Hopper   | 32.25 |    88 |
 Justin Bledsoe   | Guy And Justin    | 32.13 |    80 |
 Player           | Team              | PPD   | Games |
 Tyler Gates      | Ben And Tyler     | 27.24 |    88 |
 Chris Hopper     | Zach And Hopper   | 27.91 |    80 |
 Ed Baker         | Lee And Ed        | 29.63 |    72 |
 Dave Wicks       | Dewayne And Dave  | 17.61 |    88 |
 Dwayne Wicks     | Dewayne And Dave  | 18.45 |    88 |
 Matt Rydell      | Matt And Michelle | 15.50 |    80 |
 Michelle Gates   | Matt And Michelle | 20.22 |    56 |
 Danny Reams      | BYE 2             | 18.40 |    48 |
 Rick Dodson      | BYE 2             | 15.58 |    48 |
 Jeff Cohee       | Guy And Justin    | 37.81 |    16 |
 Kim Perry        | Guy And Justin    | 16.57 |    16 |
 Brian Montgomery | Lee And Ed        | 26.36 |    16 |
 Billy Cox        | Zach And Hopper   | 30.30 |     8 |
 Justin Gates     | Matt And Michelle | 20.34 |     8 |
 Jade Rucker      | Matt And Michelle | 14.40 |    16 |
 Aaron Van Pelt   | Matt And Michelle | 20.55 |     8 |

All Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 Player           | FirstName | LastName   | Team              | Games | MPR  |
 Zach Thompson    | Zach      | Thompson   | Zach And Hopper   |    77 | 3.61 |
 Guy Perry        | Guy       | Perry      | Guy And Justin    |    63 | 4.13 |
 Ben Phares       | Ben       | Phares     | Ben And Tyler     |    77 | 3.63 |
 Lee Jones        | Lee       | Jones      | Lee And Ed        |    77 | 4.29 |
 Ed Baker         | Ed        | Baker      | Lee And Ed        |    63 | 3.27 |
 Tyler Gates      | Tyler     | Gates      | Ben And Tyler     |    77 | 3.03 |
 Justin Bledsoe   | Justin    | Bledsoe    | Guy And Justin    |    70 | 3.22 |
 Chris Hopper     | Chris     | Hopper     | Zach And Hopper   |    70 | 3.32 |
 Dwayne Wicks     | Dwayne    | Wicks      | Dewayne And Dave  |    77 | 2.02 |
 Brian Montgomery | Brian     | Montgomery | Lee And Ed        |    14 | 2.98 |
 Michelle Gates   | Michelle  | Gates      | Matt And Michelle |    49 | 2.01 |
 Rick Dodson      | Rick      | Dodson     | BYE 2             |    42 | 1.57 |
 Danny Reams      | Danny     | Reams      | BYE 2             |    42 | 2.03 |
 Jeff Cohee       | Jeff      | Cohee      | Guy And Justin    |    14 | 4.44 |
 Dave Wicks       | Dave      | Wicks      | Dewayne And Dave  |    77 | 1.66 |
 Matt Rydell      | Matt      | Rydell     | Matt And Michelle |    70 | 1.47 |
 Billy Cox        | Billy     | Cox        | Zach And Hopper   |     7 | 2.93 |
 Justin Gates     | Justin    | Gates      | Matt And Michelle |     7 | 2.27 |
 Kim Perry        | Kim       | Perry      | Guy And Justin    |    14 | 1.65 |
 Jade Rucker      | Jade      | Rucker     | Matt And Michelle |    14 | 1.72 |
 Aaron Van Pelt   | Aaron     | Van Pelt   | Matt And Michelle |     7 | 1.96 |

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