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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for WEDBLW - Whiskey East Dbls Wed

Report Date: 4/16/2024 6:27 AM

League: WEDBLW, Whiskey East Dbls Wed

Report Date: 4/16/2024 6:27 AM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team                | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Jay And Steve       |  65.7 |   306 |  201 |
 Rusty And Ronnie    |  58.8 |   306 |  180 |
 Mike And Scott      |  55.2 |   306 |  169 |
 Brent And Andrew    |  53.9 |   306 |  165 |
 Mike And Dewayne    |  52.0 |   306 |  159 |
 Mark Tubbs And Mike |  52.0 |   306 |  159 |
 Mark And Mike       |  47.7 |   306 |  146 |
 Tim And Jeff        |  45.4 |   306 |  139 |
 Harlan And Mandy    |  42.2 |   306 |  129 |
 Helen And Jerry     |  24.8 |   306 |   76 |

All X01 games, sorted by Wins:

 Player           | Team                | PPD   | Games |
 Ronnie Singleton | Rusty And Ronnie    | 22.15 |   126 |
 Mike Pratt       | Mike And Dewayne    | 24.39 |   126 |
 Player           | Team                | PPD   | Games |
 Mark Hanes       | Mark And Mike       | 22.88 |   126 |
 Jay Wilkinson    | Jay And Steve       | 28.97 |   119 |
 Steve Durham     | Jay And Steve       | 31.64 |   119 |
 Harlan Howard    | Harlan And Mandy    | 22.56 |   121 |
 Brent Hight      | Brent And Andrew    | 17.55 |   128 |
 Mike Hughey      | Mark Tubbs And Mike | 21.98 |   126 |
 Mark Tubbs       | Mark Tubbs And Mike | 21.04 |   126 |
 Scott Sutton     | Mike And Scott      | 18.53 |   130 |
 Mike Doran       | Mike And Scott      | 25.15 |   130 |
 Dewayne Armour   | Mike And Dewayne    | 22.39 |   126 |
 Jeff Mcguire     | Tim And Jeff        | 18.10 |   126 |
 Rusty Hoover     | Rusty And Ronnie    | 25.46 |    91 |
 Mike Eastes      | Mark And Mike       | 17.14 |   126 |
 Tim Harmen       | Tim And Jeff        | 18.59 |   112 |
 Jerry Massey     | Helen And Jerry     | 14.17 |   130 |
 Andrew Palmer    | Brent And Andrew    | 21.84 |    79 |
 Helen Montgomery | Helen And Jerry     | 13.87 |   130 |
 Ed Baker         | Brent And Andrew    | 28.49 |    28 |
 Mandy Rivera     | Harlan And Mandy    | 12.47 |    51 |
 Kim Hoover       | Rusty And Ronnie    | 22.28 |    21 |
 Beth Howard      | Harlan And Mandy    | 14.26 |    21 |
 Mike McKimmy     | {Substitutes}       | 25.11 |    14 |
 Player           | Team                | PPD   | Games |
 Chris Abercombie | Brent And Andrew    | 23.04 |     7 |
 Danny Peterson   | Brent And Andrew    | 13.40 |     7 |
 Mal Hight        | Brent And Andrew    | 12.23 |     7 |

All Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 Player           | FirstName | LastName   | Team                | Games | MPR  |
 Steve Durham     | Steve     | Durham     | Jay And Steve       |   102 | 3.55 |
 Ronnie Singleton | Ronnie    | Singleton  | Rusty And Ronnie    |   108 | 2.52 |
 Jay Wilkinson    | Jay       | Wilkinson  | Jay And Steve       |   102 | 3.19 |
 Mike Doran       | Mike      | Doran      | Mike And Scott      |   112 | 2.61 |
 Mark Tubbs       | Mark      | Tubbs      | Mark Tubbs And Mike |   108 | 2.30 |
 Mark Hanes       | Mark      | Hanes      | Mark And Mike       |   108 | 2.41 |
 Mike Pratt       | Mike      | Pratt      | Mike And Dewayne    |   108 | 2.61 |
 Harlan Howard    | Harlan    | Howard     | Harlan And Mandy    |   104 | 2.54 |
 Mike Hughey      | Mike      | Hughey     | Mark Tubbs And Mike |   108 | 2.39 |
 Jeff Mcguire     | Jeff      | Mcguire    | Tim And Jeff        |   108 | 2.03 |
 Dewayne Armour   | Dewayne   | Armour     | Mike And Dewayne    |   108 | 2.41 |
 Scott Sutton     | Scott     | Sutton     | Mike And Scott      |   112 | 1.99 |
 Rusty Hoover     | Rusty     | Hoover     | Rusty And Ronnie    |    78 | 2.56 |
 Player           | FirstName | LastName   | Team                | Games | MPR  |
 Andrew Palmer    | Andrew    | Palmer     | Brent And Andrew    |    68 | 2.49 |
 Tim Harmen       | Tim       | Harmen     | Tim And Jeff        |    96 | 1.98 |
 Brent Hight      | Brent     | Hight      | Brent And Andrew    |   110 | 1.87 |
 Mike Eastes      | Mike      | Eastes     | Mark And Mike       |   108 | 1.84 |
 Ed Baker         | Ed        | Baker      | Brent And Andrew    |    24 | 3.10 |
 Jerry Massey     | Jerry     | Massey     | Helen And Jerry     |   112 | 1.58 |
 Mike McKimmy     | Mike      | McKimmy    | {Substitutes}       |    12 | 2.88 |
 Chris Abercombie | Chris     | Abercombie | Brent And Andrew    |     6 | 2.53 |
 Helen Montgomery | Helen     | Montgomery | Helen And Jerry     |   112 | 1.23 |
 Kim Hoover       | Kim       | Hoover     | Rusty And Ronnie    |    18 | 2.21 |
 Danny Peterson   | Danny     | Peterson   | Brent And Andrew    |     6 | 1.69 |
 Mandy Rivera     | Mandy     | Rivera     | Harlan And Mandy    |    44 | 1.17 |
 Beth Howard      | Beth      | Howard     | Harlan And Mandy    |    18 | 1.07 |
 Mal Hight        | Mal       | Hight      | Brent And Andrew    |     6 | 1.40 |

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