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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for RMTWDU - W24 Remote Tue Womens Dbl

Report Date: 5/06/2024 8:19 AM

League: RMTWDU, W24 Remote Tue Womens Dbl

Report Date: 5/06/2024 8:19 AM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Wins

 Team                | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Jess And Moni       |  57.1 |   156 |   89 |
 Lyssa And Jada      |  53.2 |   156 |   83 |
 Denise And Tina     |  50.0 |   156 |   78 |
 Helen And Kelly     |  48.7 |   156 |   76 |
 Christy And April   |  53.1 |   143 |   76 |
 Christy And Shannon |  53.4 |   133 |   71 |
 Ari And Vette       |  45.2 |   146 |   66 |
 Bernie And Barb     |  39.1 |   156 |   61 |

Combined X01/Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 LastName  | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Watts     | Jessica   |   156 |   58 | 18.65 | 2.09 |
 Fultz     | Lyssa     |   156 |   56 | 17.75 | 1.85 |
 Lewis     | Astina    |   156 |   51 | 15.78 | 1.74 |
 Lewis     | Christy   |   133 |   50 | 17.39 | 1.78 |
 LastName  | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Dodson    | Bernie    |   156 |   43 | 14.65 | 1.38 |
 Pursifull | April     |   143 |   42 | 16.00 | 1.72 |
 Yorn      | Helen     |   156 |   41 | 17.34 | 1.57 |
 Hampton   | Kelly     |   143 |   37 | 16.33 | 1.71 |
 Brown     | Christy   |   143 |   37 | 15.60 | 1.73 |
 Wilson    | Ari       |   146 |   35 | 16.04 | 1.66 |
 Campos    | Jada      |   156 |   33 | 16.02 | 1.54 |
 Thomas    | Evette    |   146 |   33 | 17.23 | 1.62 |
 Townsend  | Moni      |   143 |   31 | 14.97 | 1.44 |
 Harrison  | Denise    |   156 |   30 | 16.58 | 1.64 |
 Garcia    | Shannon   |   133 |   22 | 16.31 | 1.58 |
 Mauer     | Barb      |   156 |   19 | 14.21 | 1.32 |
 McAdams   | Kara      |    13 |    4 | 20.03 | 2.11 |
 Harris    | Jaclyn    |    13 |    2 | 14.73 | 1.51 |

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