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Schedule Report for JTF22 - Joeys Thursday Fall 2022

Report Date: 4/20/2024 8:07 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AHigh Rollers
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
2AHR Violation
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
3AI Guess
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
4ALady And The Tramps
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
5ANiles Rat Pack
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
6APlayin Safe
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
7APool Issues
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
8ARagged But Right
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
9AShitbox Chevy
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
10AShort Bus
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
11ASmooth Strokes
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555
12AThat A Terrible Idea
Joey Armadillos
 2732 S. 11th St Niles, MI 49120 269-687-5555

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/22/2022
That A Terrible Idea Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right I Guess Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Short Bus Joey Armadillos
2 9/29/2022
Shitbox Chevy Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
HR Violation Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
Short Bus Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
High Rollers That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues I Guess Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
3 10/06/2022
HR Violation Short Bus Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
I Guess Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
4 10/13/2022
Lady And The Tramps Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Short Bus I Guess Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
5 10/20/2022
Niles Rat Pack That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy I Guess Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues Short Bus Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
6 10/27/2022
HR Violation Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
I Guess Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
Short Bus High Rollers Joey Armadillos
7 11/03/2022
Lady And The Tramps Short Bus Joey Armadillos
HR Violation High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe I Guess Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
8 11/10/2022
High Rollers Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Short Bus Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
I Guess HR Violation Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
9 11/17/2022
Niles Rat Pack Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Short Bus That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
I Guess High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
10 12/01/2022
That A Terrible Idea I Guess Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy Short Bus Joey Armadillos
HR Violation Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
11 12/08/2022
HR Violation Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Short Bus Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps I Guess Joey Armadillos
12 12/15/2022
Pool Issues That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
I Guess Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
HR Violation Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Short Bus Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
13 12/22/2022
Niles Rat Pack Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Short Bus Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea High Rollers Joey Armadillos
I Guess Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
14 1/12/2023
Short Bus HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes I Guess Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
15 1/19/2023
Pool Issues Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
I Guess Short Bus Joey Armadillos
HR Violation That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
16 1/26/2023
That A Terrible Idea Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
I Guess Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
HR Violation Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
Short Bus Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps High Rollers Joey Armadillos
17 2/02/2023
Pool Issues HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack I Guess Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
High Rollers Short Bus Joey Armadillos
18 2/09/2023
Short Bus Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
High Rollers HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
I Guess Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
19 2/23/2023
Pool Issues High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Short Bus Joey Armadillos
HR Violation I Guess Joey Armadillos
Shitbox Chevy That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
20 3/02/2023
Lady And The Tramps Niles Rat Pack Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
HR Violation Smooth Strokes Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea Short Bus Joey Armadillos
High Rollers I Guess Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
21 3/09/2023
I Guess That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues Playin Safe Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Short Bus Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Lady And The Tramps HR Violation Joey Armadillos
22 3/16/2023
Shitbox Chevy HR Violation Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack Short Bus Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Pool Issues Joey Armadillos
That A Terrible Idea Ragged But Right Joey Armadillos
I Guess Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
23 3/23/2023 Position Round
HR Violation High Rollers Joey Armadillos
Smooth Strokes Short Bus Joey Armadillos
Pool Issues That A Terrible Idea Joey Armadillos
Ragged But Right Shitbox Chevy Joey Armadillos
Niles Rat Pack Lady And The Tramps Joey Armadillos
Playin Safe I Guess Joey Armadillos

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