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Schedule Report for DHTF24 - Dawg House Tues Fall 2024

Report Date: 2/19/2025 4:40 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AAaron And Leticia
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
2AAngie And Ronnie
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
3AAustin And Nicole
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
4ACammille And Roger
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
5AElliot And Rachel
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
6AJanis And Richard
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
7AMaria And Greg
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
8AMike And Amy
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
9ASteve And Cheryl
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
10ATone And Angie
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220
11ATony And Mandy
Dawg House
 3790 W. 80th Lane Merrillville, IN 46410 219-756-4220

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 10/08/2024
Elliot And Rachel BYE BYE
Austin And Nicole Tone And Angie Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Janis And Richard Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Mike And Amy Dawg House
Maria And Greg Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
2 10/15/2024
Maria And Greg BYE BYE
Aaron And Leticia Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Mike And Amy Janis And Richard Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Tone And Angie Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
3 10/22/2024
BYE Tone And Angie BYE
Elliot And Rachel Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Mike And Amy Dawg House
Janis And Richard Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Maria And Greg Dawg House
4 10/29/2024
Angie And Ronnie BYE BYE
Maria And Greg Janis And Richard Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Mike And Amy Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Tone And Angie Dawg House
5 11/05/2024
BYE Tony And Mandy BYE
Tone And Angie Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Mike And Amy Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Maria And Greg Dawg House
Janis And Richard Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
6 11/12/2024
Janis And Richard BYE BYE
Angie And Ronnie Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Maria And Greg Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Mike And Amy Tone And Angie Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Tony And Mandy Dawg House
7 11/19/2024
BYE Cammille And Roger BYE
Tony And Mandy Mike And Amy Dawg House
Tone And Angie Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Maria And Greg Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Janis And Richard Dawg House
8 11/26/2024
Steve And Cheryl BYE BYE
Janis And Richard Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Maria And Greg Tone And Angie Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Mike And Amy Cammille And Roger Dawg House
9 12/03/2024
BYE Mike And Amy BYE
Cammille And Roger Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Maria And Greg Dawg House
Tone And Angie Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Janis And Richard Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
10 12/10/2024
Austin And Nicole BYE BYE
Steve And Cheryl Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Janis And Richard Tone And Angie Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Maria And Greg Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Mike And Amy Dawg House
11 12/17/2024
BYE Aaron And Leticia BYE
Mike And Amy Maria And Greg Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Janis And Richard Dawg House
Tone And Angie Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Austin And Nicole Dawg House
12 12/24/2024
BYE Elliot And Rachel BYE
Tone And Angie Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Janis And Richard Dawg House
Mike And Amy Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Maria And Greg Dawg House
13 12/31/2024
BYE Maria And Greg BYE
Angie And Ronnie Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Janis And Richard Mike And Amy Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Tone And Angie Dawg House
14 1/07/2025
Tone And Angie BYE BYE
Tony And Mandy Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Mike And Amy Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Janis And Richard Dawg House
Maria And Greg Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
15 1/14/2025
BYE Angie And Ronnie BYE
Janis And Richard Maria And Greg Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Mike And Amy Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Tone And Angie Tony And Mandy Dawg House
16 1/21/2025
Tony And Mandy BYE BYE
Cammille And Roger Tone And Angie Dawg House
Mike And Amy Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Maria And Greg Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Janis And Richard Dawg House
17 1/28/2025
BYE Janis And Richard BYE
Steve And Cheryl Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Maria And Greg Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Tone And Angie Mike And Amy Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Cammille And Roger Dawg House
18 2/04/2025
Cammille And Roger BYE BYE
Mike And Amy Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Aaron And Leticia Tone And Angie Dawg House
Maria And Greg Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Austin And Nicole Dawg House
Janis And Richard Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
19 2/11/2025
BYE Steve And Cheryl BYE
Austin And Nicole Janis And Richard Dawg House
Elliot And Rachel Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Tone And Angie Maria And Greg Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Mike And Amy Dawg House
20 2/18/2025
Mike And Amy BYE BYE
Aaron And Leticia Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Maria And Greg Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Tone And Angie Dawg House
Janis And Richard Elliot And Rachel Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Austin And Nicole Dawg House
21 2/25/2025
BYE Austin And Nicole BYE
Elliot And Rachel Steve And Cheryl Dawg House
Tone And Angie Janis And Richard Dawg House
Tony And Mandy Angie And Ronnie Dawg House
Cammille And Roger Maria And Greg Dawg House
Mike And Amy Aaron And Leticia Dawg House
22 3/04/2025
Aaron And Leticia BYE BYE
Maria And Greg Mike And Amy Dawg House
Angie And Ronnie Cammille And Roger Dawg House
Janis And Richard Tony And Mandy Dawg House
Steve And Cheryl Tone And Angie Dawg House
Austin And Nicole Elliot And Rachel Dawg House

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