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Schedule Report for CLW231 - Clinton Winter 2023

Report Date: 11/02/2024 6:08 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1A3 Men And A Baby J
Bonnies Scenic Tav
Brad Brooks
2116 Harrison Dr Clinton, IA 52732

2AAdams Saints
Rays Timeout
Mike Lueders
1815 Manufacturing Dr Clinton, IA 52732

3ABeer B4 Bullseyez
Kayla Thompson
312 S Washington Blvd Camanche, IA 52730

4ABullseye Bandits
Aubrey Snodgrass
312 S Washington Blvd Camanche, IA 52730

Poor House
Lonnie Hubbard
1118 N Washington Blvd Camanche, IA 52730

6ADysfunctionl Darters
8th Street Inn
Melissa Parker
1107 S 8th St Clinton, IA 52732

7AHere 4 The Beer
Cody Norman
312 S Washington Blvd Camanche, IA 52730

8AHott Mess Express
Bonnies Scenic Tav
Janice Alksnis
2116 Harrison Dr Clinton, IA 52732

9AJust The Tip
Adam Woods
312 S Washington Blvd Camanche, IA 52730

10ALadys And The Tramp
Bonnies Scenic Tav
Heather Brooks
2116 Harrison Dr Clinton, IA 52732

11ALyons Tap
Lyons Tap
Jeff Keis
224 Main Ave Clinton, IA 52405

12ALyons Town Drunks
Lyons Tap
Jim Schmidt
224 Main Ave Clinton, IA 52405

13AMain Ave
Main Avenue Pub
Danelle Domdey
115 Main Avenue Clinton, IA 52732

14AR Bulls R Out
Legends Draft House
Shannon Crete
2118 Harrison Dr Clinton, IA 52732

15ASandbagging Bitches
Legends Draft House
Ryan Chapman
2118 Harrison Dr Clinton, IA 52732

16ASmells Like Bullshit
8th Street Inn
Dalton Pothof
1107 S 8th St Clinton, IA 52732

17AWhistle Blowers
Mannings Whistle St
Ryan Beiermann
416 N 2nd St Clinton, IA 52732

18AWhitsticks Chapel
Bonnies Scenic Tav
Shane Dixon
2116 Harrison Dr Clinton, IA 52732

19AWho Darted
Slader Hoppe
1013 13th Ave Clinton, IA 52732

20AYou Sissy
Silver Dollar Saloon
Mike Merema
76 Main Avenue Clinton, IA 52732


Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 10/24/2023
Who Darted Adams Saints Slops
Smells Like Bullshit You Sissy 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express R Bulls R Out Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Here 4 The Beer Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Just The Tip Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Lyons Tap Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Whitsticks Chapel Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Ladys And The Tramp Legends Draft House
Main Ave Dysfunctionl Darters Main Avenue Pub
BYE Whistle Blowers Poor House
2 10/31/2023
BYE Adams Saints Poor House
Whistle Blowers Main Ave Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters Sandbagging Bitches 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Bullseye Bandits Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel Beer B4 Bullseyez Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Lyons Town Drunks Lyons Tap
Just The Tip 3 Men And A Baby J Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Hott Mess Express Clydes
R Bulls R Out Smells Like Bullshit Legends Draft House
You Sissy Who Darted Silver Dollar Saloon
3 11/07/2023
Adams Saints You Sissy Rays Timeout
Who Darted R Bulls R Out Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Here 4 The Beer 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express Just The Tip Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Lyons Tap Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Whitsticks Chapel Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Ladys And The Tramp Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Dysfunctionl Darters Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Whistle Blowers Legends Draft House
Main Ave BYE Main Avenue Pub
4 11/14/2023
Main Ave Adams Saints Main Avenue Pub
BYE Sandbagging Bitches Poor House
Whistle Blowers Bullseye Bandits Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters Beer B4 Bullseyez 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Lyons Town Drunks Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel 3 Men And A Baby J Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Hott Mess Express Lyons Tap
Just The Tip Smells Like Bullshit Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Who Darted Clydes
R Bulls R Out You Sissy Legends Draft House
5 11/21/2023
Adams Saints R Bulls R Out Rays Timeout
You Sissy Here 4 The Beer Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted Just The Tip Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Lyons Tap 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express Whitsticks Chapel Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Ladys And The Tramp Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Dysfunctionl Darters Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Whistle Blowers Clydes
Bullseye Bandits BYE Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Main Ave Legends Draft House
6 11/28/2023
Sandbagging Bitches Adams Saints Legends Draft House
Main Ave Bullseye Bandits Main Avenue Pub
BYE Beer B4 Bullseyez Poor House
Whistle Blowers Lyons Town Drunks Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters 3 Men And A Baby J 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Hott Mess Express Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel Smells Like Bullshit Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Who Darted Lyons Tap
Just The Tip You Sissy Clydes
Here 4 The Beer R Bulls R Out Clydes
7 12/05/2023
Adams Saints Here 4 The Beer Rays Timeout
R Bulls R Out Just The Tip Legends Draft House
You Sissy Lyons Tap Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted Whitsticks Chapel Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Ladys And The Tramp 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express Dysfunctionl Darters Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Whistle Blowers Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks BYE Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Main Ave Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Sandbagging Bitches Clydes
8 12/12/2023
Bullseye Bandits Adams Saints Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Beer B4 Bullseyez Legends Draft House
Main Ave Lyons Town Drunks Main Avenue Pub
BYE 3 Men And A Baby J Poor House
Whistle Blowers Hott Mess Express Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters Smells Like Bullshit 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Who Darted Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel You Sissy Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap R Bulls R Out Lyons Tap
Just The Tip Here 4 The Beer Clydes
9 12/19/2023
Adams Saints Just The Tip Rays Timeout
Here 4 The Beer Lyons Tap Clydes
R Bulls R Out Whitsticks Chapel Legends Draft House
You Sissy Ladys And The Tramp Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted Dysfunctionl Darters Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Whistle Blowers 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express BYE Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Main Ave Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Sandbagging Bitches Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Bullseye Bandits Clydes
10 12/26/2023
Beer B4 Bullseyez Adams Saints Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Lyons Town Drunks Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches 3 Men And A Baby J Legends Draft House
Main Ave Hott Mess Express Main Avenue Pub
BYE Smells Like Bullshit Poor House
Whistle Blowers Who Darted Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters You Sissy 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp R Bulls R Out Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel Here 4 The Beer Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Just The Tip Lyons Tap
11 1/02/2024
Adams Saints Lyons Tap Rays Timeout
Just The Tip Whitsticks Chapel Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Ladys And The Tramp Clydes
R Bulls R Out Dysfunctionl Darters Legends Draft House
You Sissy Whistle Blowers Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted BYE Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Main Ave 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express Sandbagging Bitches Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Bullseye Bandits Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Beer B4 Bullseyez Lyons Tap
12 1/09/2024
Lyons Town Drunks Adams Saints Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez 3 Men And A Baby J Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Hott Mess Express Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Smells Like Bullshit Legends Draft House
Main Ave Who Darted Main Avenue Pub
BYE You Sissy Poor House
Whistle Blowers R Bulls R Out Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters Here 4 The Beer 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Just The Tip Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel Lyons Tap Bonnies Scenic Tav
13 1/16/2024
Adams Saints Whitsticks Chapel Rays Timeout
Lyons Tap Ladys And The Tramp Lyons Tap
Just The Tip Dysfunctionl Darters Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Whistle Blowers Clydes
R Bulls R Out BYE Legends Draft House
You Sissy Main Ave Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted Sandbagging Bitches Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Bullseye Bandits 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express Beer B4 Bullseyez Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Lyons Town Drunks Bonnies Scenic Tav
14 1/23/2024
3 Men And A Baby J Adams Saints Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Hott Mess Express Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Smells Like Bullshit Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Who Darted Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches You Sissy Legends Draft House
Main Ave R Bulls R Out Main Avenue Pub
BYE Here 4 The Beer Poor House
Whistle Blowers Just The Tip Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters Lyons Tap 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Whitsticks Chapel Bonnies Scenic Tav
15 1/30/2024
Adams Saints Ladys And The Tramp Rays Timeout
Whitsticks Chapel Dysfunctionl Darters Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Whistle Blowers Lyons Tap
Just The Tip BYE Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Main Ave Clydes
R Bulls R Out Sandbagging Bitches Legends Draft House
You Sissy Bullseye Bandits Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted Beer B4 Bullseyez Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Lyons Town Drunks 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express 3 Men And A Baby J Bonnies Scenic Tav
16 2/06/2024
Hott Mess Express Adams Saints Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J Smells Like Bullshit Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks Who Darted Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez You Sissy Clydes
Bullseye Bandits R Bulls R Out Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Here 4 The Beer Legends Draft House
Main Ave Just The Tip Main Avenue Pub
BYE Lyons Tap Poor House
Whistle Blowers Whitsticks Chapel Mannings Whistle St
Dysfunctionl Darters Ladys And The Tramp 8th Street Inn
17 2/13/2024
Adams Saints Dysfunctionl Darters Rays Timeout
Ladys And The Tramp Whistle Blowers Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel BYE Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Main Ave Lyons Tap
Just The Tip Sandbagging Bitches Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Bullseye Bandits Clydes
R Bulls R Out Beer B4 Bullseyez Legends Draft House
You Sissy Lyons Town Drunks Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted 3 Men And A Baby J Slops
Smells Like Bullshit Hott Mess Express 8th Street Inn
18 2/20/2024
Smells Like Bullshit Adams Saints 8th Street Inn
Hott Mess Express Who Darted Bonnies Scenic Tav
3 Men And A Baby J You Sissy Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Town Drunks R Bulls R Out Lyons Tap
Beer B4 Bullseyez Here 4 The Beer Clydes
Bullseye Bandits Just The Tip Clydes
Sandbagging Bitches Lyons Tap Legends Draft House
Main Ave Whitsticks Chapel Main Avenue Pub
BYE Ladys And The Tramp Poor House
Whistle Blowers Dysfunctionl Darters Mannings Whistle St
19 2/27/2024
Adams Saints Whistle Blowers Rays Timeout
Dysfunctionl Darters BYE 8th Street Inn
Ladys And The Tramp Main Ave Bonnies Scenic Tav
Whitsticks Chapel Sandbagging Bitches Bonnies Scenic Tav
Lyons Tap Bullseye Bandits Lyons Tap
Just The Tip Beer B4 Bullseyez Clydes
Here 4 The Beer Lyons Town Drunks Clydes
R Bulls R Out 3 Men And A Baby J Legends Draft House
You Sissy Hott Mess Express Silver Dollar Saloon
Who Darted Smells Like Bullshit Slops

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