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I.F. LaFleur & Sons Inc
P.O. Box 892
Devils Lake, ND 58301


Schedule Report for BADLAN - Badlands Dart Leauge

Report Date: 12/11/2024 7:14 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1A3 Darts To The Wind
City Bar
Sydney Schieffer
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
2AAll Salami
LMs Office Bar
Wally Hill
136 Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
City Bar
Andy Horesky
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
4ABent Tips
Watford Legion
Rachel Quinn
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
5ADart Bags
City Bar
Trevor Shearer
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
6ADesperate Housewives
Watford Legion
Stef Russell
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
7AEagles Club
City Bar
Travis Rose
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
8AGeneration X
City Bar
Anna Marquardt
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
9AGrowers Not Showers
Watford Legion
Tyler Carter
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
10AHappy Lil Accidents
LMs Office Bar
Sami Shawver
136 Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
11ALimp Shaft 2pt0
City Bar
Kent Durick
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
12AMiddle Aged Bastards
City Bar
Jason Brew
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
13AProjectile Dysfunctn
WFC Eagles
Grayson Ninneman
HWY 85 South Watford City, ND 58854
14AShort Shafts
City Bar
Paige Brown
136 N Main Watford City, ND 58854
15ASmall Dart Big Dream
Watford Legion
Michael Carter
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
16AStrategic Third Dart
Watford Legion
Chelsie Altman
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
17AThe Meat
Watford Legion
JC Hespe
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
18AThe Redarts
Watford Legion
Destiny Chaffin
125 N Main St. Watford City, ND 58854
19AWho Darted
LMs Office Bar
Taylor Marie
136 Main St. Watford City, ND 58854

Division A

Site Name Site Address Site Phone
LMs Office Bar136 Main St. Watford City ND, 58854701-444-4287
City Bar136 N Main Watford City ND, 58854701-444-4287
Watford Legion125 N Main St. Watford City ND, 58854701-444-3594
WFC EaglesHWY 85 South Watford City ND, 58854701-842-3340

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 10/08/2024
10/08/2024 Middle Aged Bastards Projectile Dysfunctn City Bar
10/08/2024 3 Darts To The Wind BYE BYE
10/08/2024 Eagles Club Who Darted City Bar
10/08/2024 Dart Bags Desperate Housewives City Bar
10/08/2024 The Meat Small Dart Big Dream Watford Legion
10/08/2024 Growers Not Showers The Redarts Watford Legion
10/08/2024 Bent Tips Bandits Watford Legion
10/08/2024 Happy Lil Accidents Generation X LMs Office Bar
10/08/2024 Strategic Third Dart Short Shafts Watford Legion
10/08/2024 All Salami Limp Shaft 2pt0 LMs Office Bar
2 10/15/2024
10/15/2024 All Salami Projectile Dysfunctn LMs Office Bar
10/15/2024 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Strategic Third Dart City Bar
10/15/2024 Short Shafts Happy Lil Accidents City Bar
10/15/2024 Generation X Bent Tips City Bar
10/15/2024 Bandits Growers Not Showers City Bar
10/15/2024 The Redarts The Meat Watford Legion
10/15/2024 Small Dart Big Dream Dart Bags Watford Legion
10/15/2024 Desperate Housewives Eagles Club Watford Legion
10/15/2024 Who Darted 3 Darts To The Wind LMs Office Bar
10/15/2024 BYE Middle Aged Bastards BYE
3 10/22/2024
10/22/2024 Projectile Dysfunctn BYE BYE
10/22/2024 Middle Aged Bastards Who Darted City Bar
10/22/2024 3 Darts To The Wind Desperate Housewives City Bar
10/22/2024 Eagles Club Small Dart Big Dream City Bar
10/22/2024 Dart Bags The Redarts City Bar
10/22/2024 The Meat Bandits Watford Legion
10/22/2024 Growers Not Showers Generation X Watford Legion
10/22/2024 Bent Tips Short Shafts Watford Legion
10/22/2024 Happy Lil Accidents Limp Shaft 2pt0 LMs Office Bar
10/22/2024 Strategic Third Dart All Salami Watford Legion
4 10/29/2024
10/29/2024 Strategic Third Dart Projectile Dysfunctn Watford Legion
10/29/2024 All Salami Happy Lil Accidents LMs Office Bar
10/29/2024 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Bent Tips City Bar
10/29/2024 Short Shafts Growers Not Showers City Bar
10/29/2024 Generation X The Meat City Bar
10/29/2024 Bandits Dart Bags City Bar
10/29/2024 The Redarts Eagles Club Watford Legion
10/29/2024 Small Dart Big Dream 3 Darts To The Wind Watford Legion
10/29/2024 Desperate Housewives Middle Aged Bastards Watford Legion
10/29/2024 Who Darted BYE BYE
5 11/05/2024
11/05/2024 Projectile Dysfunctn Who Darted WFC Eagles
11/05/2024 BYE Desperate Housewives BYE
11/05/2024 Middle Aged Bastards Small Dart Big Dream City Bar
11/05/2024 3 Darts To The Wind The Redarts City Bar
11/05/2024 Eagles Club Bandits City Bar
11/05/2024 Dart Bags Generation X City Bar
11/05/2024 The Meat Short Shafts Watford Legion
11/05/2024 Growers Not Showers Limp Shaft 2pt0 Watford Legion
11/05/2024 Bent Tips All Salami Watford Legion
11/05/2024 Happy Lil Accidents Strategic Third Dart LMs Office Bar
6 11/12/2024
11/12/2024 Happy Lil Accidents Projectile Dysfunctn LMs Office Bar
11/12/2024 Strategic Third Dart Bent Tips Watford Legion
11/12/2024 All Salami Growers Not Showers LMs Office Bar
11/12/2024 Limp Shaft 2pt0 The Meat City Bar
11/12/2024 Short Shafts Dart Bags City Bar
11/12/2024 Generation X Eagles Club City Bar
11/12/2024 Bandits 3 Darts To The Wind City Bar
11/12/2024 The Redarts Middle Aged Bastards Watford Legion
11/12/2024 Small Dart Big Dream BYE BYE
11/12/2024 Desperate Housewives Who Darted Watford Legion
7 11/19/2024
11/19/2024 Projectile Dysfunctn Desperate Housewives WFC Eagles
11/19/2024 Who Darted Small Dart Big Dream LMs Office Bar
11/19/2024 BYE The Redarts BYE
11/19/2024 Middle Aged Bastards Bandits City Bar
11/19/2024 3 Darts To The Wind Generation X City Bar
11/19/2024 Eagles Club Short Shafts City Bar
11/19/2024 Dart Bags Limp Shaft 2pt0 City Bar
11/19/2024 The Meat All Salami Watford Legion
11/19/2024 Growers Not Showers Strategic Third Dart Watford Legion
11/19/2024 Bent Tips Happy Lil Accidents Watford Legion
8 11/26/2024
11/26/2024 Bent Tips Projectile Dysfunctn Watford Legion
11/26/2024 Happy Lil Accidents Growers Not Showers LMs Office Bar
11/26/2024 Strategic Third Dart The Meat Watford Legion
11/26/2024 All Salami Dart Bags LMs Office Bar
11/26/2024 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Eagles Club City Bar
11/26/2024 Short Shafts 3 Darts To The Wind City Bar
11/26/2024 Generation X Middle Aged Bastards City Bar
11/26/2024 Bandits BYE BYE
11/26/2024 The Redarts Who Darted Watford Legion
11/26/2024 Small Dart Big Dream Desperate Housewives Watford Legion
9 12/03/2024
12/03/2024 Projectile Dysfunctn Small Dart Big Dream WFC Eagles
12/03/2024 Desperate Housewives The Redarts Watford Legion
12/03/2024 Who Darted Bandits LMs Office Bar
12/03/2024 BYE Generation X BYE
12/03/2024 Middle Aged Bastards Short Shafts City Bar
12/03/2024 3 Darts To The Wind Limp Shaft 2pt0 City Bar
12/03/2024 Eagles Club All Salami City Bar
12/03/2024 Dart Bags Strategic Third Dart City Bar
12/03/2024 The Meat Happy Lil Accidents Watford Legion
12/03/2024 Growers Not Showers Bent Tips Watford Legion
10 12/10/2024
12/10/2024 Growers Not Showers Projectile Dysfunctn Watford Legion
12/10/2024 Bent Tips The Meat Watford Legion
12/10/2024 Happy Lil Accidents Dart Bags LMs Office Bar
12/10/2024 Strategic Third Dart Eagles Club Watford Legion
12/10/2024 All Salami 3 Darts To The Wind LMs Office Bar
12/10/2024 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Middle Aged Bastards City Bar
12/10/2024 Short Shafts BYE BYE
12/10/2024 Generation X Who Darted City Bar
12/10/2024 Bandits Desperate Housewives City Bar
12/10/2024 The Redarts Small Dart Big Dream Watford Legion
11 12/17/2024
12/17/2024 Projectile Dysfunctn The Redarts WFC Eagles
12/17/2024 Small Dart Big Dream Bandits Watford Legion
12/17/2024 Desperate Housewives Generation X Watford Legion
12/17/2024 Who Darted Short Shafts LMs Office Bar
12/17/2024 BYE Limp Shaft 2pt0 BYE
12/17/2024 Middle Aged Bastards All Salami City Bar
12/17/2024 3 Darts To The Wind Strategic Third Dart City Bar
12/17/2024 Eagles Club Happy Lil Accidents City Bar
12/17/2024 Dart Bags Bent Tips City Bar
12/17/2024 The Meat Growers Not Showers Watford Legion
12 1/07/2025
1/07/2025 The Meat Projectile Dysfunctn Watford Legion
1/07/2025 Growers Not Showers Dart Bags Watford Legion
1/07/2025 Bent Tips Eagles Club Watford Legion
1/07/2025 Happy Lil Accidents 3 Darts To The Wind LMs Office Bar
1/07/2025 Strategic Third Dart Middle Aged Bastards Watford Legion
1/07/2025 All Salami BYE BYE
1/07/2025 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Who Darted City Bar
1/07/2025 Short Shafts Desperate Housewives City Bar
1/07/2025 Generation X Small Dart Big Dream City Bar
1/07/2025 Bandits The Redarts City Bar
13 1/14/2025
1/14/2025 Projectile Dysfunctn Bandits WFC Eagles
1/14/2025 The Redarts Generation X Watford Legion
1/14/2025 Small Dart Big Dream Short Shafts Watford Legion
1/14/2025 Desperate Housewives Limp Shaft 2pt0 Watford Legion
1/14/2025 Who Darted All Salami LMs Office Bar
1/14/2025 BYE Strategic Third Dart BYE
1/14/2025 Middle Aged Bastards Happy Lil Accidents City Bar
1/14/2025 3 Darts To The Wind Bent Tips City Bar
1/14/2025 Eagles Club Growers Not Showers City Bar
1/14/2025 Dart Bags The Meat City Bar
14 1/21/2025
1/21/2025 Dart Bags Projectile Dysfunctn City Bar
1/21/2025 The Meat Eagles Club Watford Legion
1/21/2025 Growers Not Showers 3 Darts To The Wind Watford Legion
1/21/2025 Bent Tips Middle Aged Bastards Watford Legion
1/21/2025 Happy Lil Accidents BYE BYE
1/21/2025 Strategic Third Dart Who Darted Watford Legion
1/21/2025 All Salami Desperate Housewives LMs Office Bar
1/21/2025 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Small Dart Big Dream City Bar
1/21/2025 Short Shafts The Redarts City Bar
1/21/2025 Generation X Bandits City Bar
15 1/28/2025
1/28/2025 Projectile Dysfunctn Generation X WFC Eagles
1/28/2025 Bandits Short Shafts City Bar
1/28/2025 The Redarts Limp Shaft 2pt0 Watford Legion
1/28/2025 Small Dart Big Dream All Salami Watford Legion
1/28/2025 Desperate Housewives Strategic Third Dart Watford Legion
1/28/2025 Who Darted Happy Lil Accidents LMs Office Bar
1/28/2025 BYE Bent Tips BYE
1/28/2025 Middle Aged Bastards Growers Not Showers City Bar
1/28/2025 3 Darts To The Wind The Meat City Bar
1/28/2025 Eagles Club Dart Bags City Bar
16 2/04/2025
2/04/2025 Eagles Club Projectile Dysfunctn City Bar
2/04/2025 Dart Bags 3 Darts To The Wind City Bar
2/04/2025 The Meat Middle Aged Bastards Watford Legion
2/04/2025 Growers Not Showers BYE BYE
2/04/2025 Bent Tips Who Darted Watford Legion
2/04/2025 Happy Lil Accidents Desperate Housewives LMs Office Bar
2/04/2025 Strategic Third Dart Small Dart Big Dream Watford Legion
2/04/2025 All Salami The Redarts LMs Office Bar
2/04/2025 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Bandits City Bar
2/04/2025 Short Shafts Generation X City Bar
17 2/11/2025
2/11/2025 Projectile Dysfunctn Short Shafts WFC Eagles
2/11/2025 Generation X Limp Shaft 2pt0 City Bar
2/11/2025 Bandits All Salami City Bar
2/11/2025 The Redarts Strategic Third Dart Watford Legion
2/11/2025 Small Dart Big Dream Happy Lil Accidents Watford Legion
2/11/2025 Desperate Housewives Bent Tips Watford Legion
2/11/2025 Who Darted Growers Not Showers LMs Office Bar
2/11/2025 BYE The Meat BYE
2/11/2025 Middle Aged Bastards Dart Bags City Bar
2/11/2025 3 Darts To The Wind Eagles Club City Bar
18 2/18/2025
2/18/2025 3 Darts To The Wind Projectile Dysfunctn City Bar
2/18/2025 Eagles Club Middle Aged Bastards City Bar
2/18/2025 Dart Bags BYE BYE
2/18/2025 The Meat Who Darted Watford Legion
2/18/2025 Growers Not Showers Desperate Housewives Watford Legion
2/18/2025 Bent Tips Small Dart Big Dream Watford Legion
2/18/2025 Happy Lil Accidents The Redarts LMs Office Bar
2/18/2025 Strategic Third Dart Bandits Watford Legion
2/18/2025 All Salami Generation X LMs Office Bar
2/18/2025 Limp Shaft 2pt0 Short Shafts City Bar
19 2/25/2025
2/25/2025 Projectile Dysfunctn Limp Shaft 2pt0 WFC Eagles
2/25/2025 Short Shafts All Salami City Bar
2/25/2025 Generation X Strategic Third Dart City Bar
2/25/2025 Bandits Happy Lil Accidents City Bar
2/25/2025 The Redarts Bent Tips Watford Legion
2/25/2025 Small Dart Big Dream Growers Not Showers Watford Legion
2/25/2025 Desperate Housewives The Meat Watford Legion
2/25/2025 Who Darted Dart Bags LMs Office Bar
2/25/2025 BYE Eagles Club BYE
2/25/2025 Middle Aged Bastards 3 Darts To The Wind City Bar
20 3/04/2025 Playoffs Start
3/04/2025 BYE BYE BYE

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