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I.F. LaFleur & Sons Inc
P.O. Box 892
Devils Lake, ND 58301


Schedule Report for SOURIS - Upper Souris Dart League

Report Date: 12/11/2024 7:33 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
City Limits
Brandon Burtch
49900-422nd St Nw Kenmare, ND 58746
2SourisChelseys Angels
Beer Bob's
Chelsey Steen
Kenmare, ND 58746
3SourisCity Slickers
City Limits
Sonja Herfendahl
49900-422nd St Nw Kenmare, ND 58746
4SourisDart Bags
City Limits
Cassidy Hoggarth
49900-422nd St Nw Kenmare, ND 58746
5SourisDart Vaders
Beer Bob's
Trent Johnson
Kenmare, ND 58746
Emilio Hernandez
50401 US 52 Kenmare, ND 58746
7SourisHere 4 The Beer
City Limits
Danny Schlosser
49900-422nd St Nw Kenmare, ND 58746
City Limits
Sara Staskywicz
49900-422nd St Nw Kenmare, ND 58746
9SourisThe Breakfast Club
Wes's Bar
Chernee Brekhus
Tolley, ND 58787
City Limits
Afton Peterson
49900-422nd St Nw Kenmare, ND 58746

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Division Souris

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 10/30/2024
Here 4 The Beer The Breakfast Club City Limits
Bucees Chelseys Angels City Limits
Squach Dart Bags City Limits
Dart Vaders Whoops Beer Bob's
Emilios City Slickers Emilio's
2 11/06/2024
Emilios The Breakfast Club Emilio's
City Slickers Dart Vaders City Limits
Whoops Squach City Limits
Dart Bags Bucees City Limits
Chelseys Angels Here 4 The Beer Beer Bob's
3 11/13/2024
The Breakfast Club Chelseys Angels Wes's Bar
Here 4 The Beer Dart Bags City Limits
Bucees Whoops City Limits
Squach City Slickers City Limits
Dart Vaders Emilios Beer Bob's
4 11/20/2024
Dart Vaders The Breakfast Club Beer Bob's
Emilios Squach Emilio's
City Slickers Bucees City Limits
Whoops Here 4 The Beer City Limits
Dart Bags Chelseys Angels City Limits
5 11/27/2024
The Breakfast Club Dart Bags Wes's Bar
Chelseys Angels Whoops Beer Bob's
Here 4 The Beer City Slickers City Limits
Bucees Emilios City Limits
Squach Dart Vaders City Limits
6 12/04/2024
Squach The Breakfast Club City Limits
Dart Vaders Bucees Beer Bob's
Emilios Here 4 The Beer Emilio's
City Slickers Chelseys Angels City Limits
Whoops Dart Bags City Limits
7 12/11/2024
The Breakfast Club Whoops Wes's Bar
Dart Bags City Slickers City Limits
Chelseys Angels Emilios Beer Bob's
Here 4 The Beer Dart Vaders City Limits
Bucees Squach City Limits
8 12/18/2024
Bucees The Breakfast Club City Limits
Squach Here 4 The Beer City Limits
Dart Vaders Chelseys Angels Beer Bob's
Emilios Dart Bags Emilio's
City Slickers Whoops City Limits
9 1/08/2025
The Breakfast Club City Slickers Wes's Bar
Whoops Emilios City Limits
Dart Bags Dart Vaders City Limits
Chelseys Angels Squach Beer Bob's
Here 4 The Beer Bucees City Limits
10 1/15/2025
The Breakfast Club Here 4 The Beer Wes's Bar
Chelseys Angels Bucees Beer Bob's
Dart Bags Squach City Limits
Whoops Dart Vaders City Limits
City Slickers Emilios City Limits
11 1/22/2025
The Breakfast Club Emilios Wes's Bar
Dart Vaders City Slickers Beer Bob's
Squach Whoops City Limits
Bucees Dart Bags City Limits
Here 4 The Beer Chelseys Angels City Limits
12 1/29/2025
Chelseys Angels The Breakfast Club Beer Bob's
Dart Bags Here 4 The Beer City Limits
Whoops Bucees City Limits
City Slickers Squach City Limits
Emilios Dart Vaders Emilio's
13 2/05/2025
The Breakfast Club Dart Vaders Wes's Bar
Squach Emilios City Limits
Bucees City Slickers City Limits
Here 4 The Beer Whoops City Limits
Chelseys Angels Dart Bags Beer Bob's
14 2/12/2025
Dart Bags The Breakfast Club City Limits
Whoops Chelseys Angels City Limits
City Slickers Here 4 The Beer City Limits
Emilios Bucees Emilio's
Dart Vaders Squach Beer Bob's
15 2/19/2025
The Breakfast Club Squach Wes's Bar
Bucees Dart Vaders City Limits
Here 4 The Beer Emilios City Limits
Chelseys Angels City Slickers Beer Bob's
Dart Bags Whoops City Limits
16 2/26/2025
Whoops The Breakfast Club City Limits
City Slickers Dart Bags City Limits
Emilios Chelseys Angels Emilio's
Dart Vaders Here 4 The Beer Beer Bob's
Squach Bucees City Limits
17 3/05/2025
The Breakfast Club Bucees Wes's Bar
Here 4 The Beer Squach City Limits
Chelseys Angels Dart Vaders Beer Bob's
Dart Bags Emilios City Limits
Whoops City Slickers City Limits
18 3/12/2025
City Slickers The Breakfast Club City Limits
Emilios Whoops Emilio's
Dart Vaders Dart Bags Beer Bob's
Squach Chelseys Angels City Limits
Bucees Here 4 The Beer City Limits
19 3/19/2025 Playoffs Start

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