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1350 Oxley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212

Schedule Report for FRGF23 - FrontRow GC Weds Dbls F23

Report Date: 10/07/2024 1:42 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1Weds DoublesAchy Breaky Dart
Frontrow GC
Brittany Wooten
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123
2Weds DoublesBulls On Parade
Frontrow GC
Jeff Mitchell
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123

3Weds DoublesDart Garfunkel
Frontrow GC
Adam Rammelsburg
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123
4Weds DoublesDartalicious
Frontrow GC
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123

5Weds DoublesDartenhaimer
Frontrow GC
Kyle Craft
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123

6Weds DoublesDarty In The Usa
Frontrow GC
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123

7Weds DoublesDeadshot Dads
Frontrow GC
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123

8Weds DoublesTeenage Dartbags
Frontrow GC
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123


Division Weds Doubles

Site Name Site Address Site Phone
Frontrow GC3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City OH, 43123614-539-5947

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 8/23/2023
Dartenhaimer Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Deadshot Dads Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
Dartalicious Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
2 8/30/2023
Deadshot Dads Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Darty In The Usa Dartalicious Frontrow GC
Achy Breaky Dart Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC
Teenage Dartbags Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
3 9/06/2023
Dartenhaimer Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
Dartalicious Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
4 9/13/2023
Dartenhaimer Dartalicious Frontrow GC
Deadshot Dads Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC
Darty In The Usa Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
Teenage Dartbags Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
5 9/20/2023
Achy Breaky Dart Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Dartalicious Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
6 9/27/2023
Teenage Dartbags Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Deadshot Dads Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
Dartenhaimer Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
Dartalicious Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC
7 10/04/2023
Darty In The Usa Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Achy Breaky Dart Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Dartalicious Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
8 10/11/2023
Darty In The Usa Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Teenage Dartbags Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC
Achy Breaky Dart Dartalicious Frontrow GC
9 10/18/2023
Dartenhaimer Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Dartalicious Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
10 10/25/2023
Teenage Dartbags Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Deadshot Dads Dartalicious Frontrow GC
Darty In The Usa Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC
Achy Breaky Dart Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
11 11/01/2023
Dartalicious Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Achy Breaky Dart Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
12 11/08/2023
Darty In The Usa Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
Deadshot Dads Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
Dartenhaimer Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC
Teenage Dartbags Dartalicious Frontrow GC
13 11/15/2023
Darty In The Usa Teenage Dartbags Frontrow GC
Achy Breaky Dart Deadshot Dads Frontrow GC
Bulls On Parade Dartenhaimer Frontrow GC
Dart Garfunkel Dartalicious Frontrow GC
14 11/22/2023
Deadshot Dads Darty In The Usa Frontrow GC
Dartenhaimer Achy Breaky Dart Frontrow GC
Dartalicious Bulls On Parade Frontrow GC
Teenage Dartbags Dart Garfunkel Frontrow GC

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