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1350 Oxley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212

Schedule Report for PNTS24 - Point Tues Spring Dbl S24

Report Date: 7/26/2024 9:26 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1Point Dbls2 Darts Out
The Point On Main St
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213

2Point DblsBat Shitz
The Point On Main St
Bunny Goodhart
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
3Point DblsBig Sexy And Beauty
The Point On Main St
Tom Meek
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
4Point DblsBlack Ice
The Point On Main St
Dez Pack
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
5Point DblsDart Gods
The Point On Main St
Courtez Stowers
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
6Point DblsDrinking Class
The Point On Main St
Doug Gray
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
7Point DblsFlight Club
The Point On Main St
Jennie Perez
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
8Point DblsOn The Hog
The Point On Main St
Alan Hall
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
9Point DblsOops Darts
The Point On Main St
Kylie Petrey
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
10Point DblsReal Slim Shadys
The Point On Main St
Jeff Swaggerty
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213

11Point DblsShake And Bake
The Point On Main St
Brad Fisher
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
12Point DblsShow Me Your Tips
The Point On Main St
Nikki Fox
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213

13Point DblsWhats The Point
The Point On Main St
Ashley Simonton
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213
14Point DblsYo Man
The Point On Main St
TIM Weber
1192 Noe Bixby Rd Columbus, OH 43213

Division Point Dbls

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 1/09/2024
Whats The Point 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
On The Hog Drinking Class The Point On Main St
Yo Man Dart Gods The Point On Main St
Shake And Bake Bat Shitz The Point On Main St
Big Sexy And Beauty Oops Darts The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Flight Club The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips Black Ice The Point On Main St
2 1/16/2024
2 Darts Out Drinking Class The Point On Main St
Whats The Point Dart Gods The Point On Main St
On The Hog Bat Shitz The Point On Main St
Yo Man Oops Darts The Point On Main St
Shake And Bake Flight Club The Point On Main St
Big Sexy And Beauty Show Me Your Tips The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Black Ice The Point On Main St
3 1/23/2024
Dart Gods Black Ice The Point On Main St
Bat Shitz Drinking Class The Point On Main St
Oops Darts 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
Flight Club Whats The Point The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips On The Hog The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Yo Man The Point On Main St
Big Sexy And Beauty Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
4 1/30/2024
Black Ice Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
Yo Man Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
On The Hog Real Slim Shadys The Point On Main St
Whats The Point Show Me Your Tips The Point On Main St
2 Darts Out Flight Club The Point On Main St
Dart Gods Bat Shitz The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Oops Darts The Point On Main St
5 2/06/2024
Oops Darts Dart Gods The Point On Main St
Shake And Bake Yo Man The Point On Main St
Big Sexy And Beauty On The Hog The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Whats The Point The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
Flight Club Drinking Class The Point On Main St
Bat Shitz Black Ice The Point On Main St
6 2/13/2024
Black Ice Yo Man The Point On Main St
On The Hog Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
Whats The Point Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
2 Darts Out Real Slim Shadys The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Show Me Your Tips The Point On Main St
Dart Gods Flight Club The Point On Main St
Bat Shitz Oops Darts The Point On Main St
7 2/20/2024
Yo Man On The Hog The Point On Main St
Shake And Bake Whats The Point The Point On Main St
Big Sexy And Beauty 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Drinking Class The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips Dart Gods The Point On Main St
Oops Darts Black Ice The Point On Main St
Flight Club Bat Shitz The Point On Main St
8 2/27/2024
Bat Shitz Show Me Your Tips The Point On Main St
Oops Darts Flight Club The Point On Main St
Black Ice On The Hog The Point On Main St
Whats The Point Yo Man The Point On Main St
2 Darts Out Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
Dart Gods Real Slim Shadys The Point On Main St
9 3/05/2024
Yo Man 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
Flight Club Black Ice The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips Oops Darts The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Bat Shitz The Point On Main St
Big Sexy And Beauty Dart Gods The Point On Main St
Shake And Bake Drinking Class The Point On Main St
On The Hog Whats The Point The Point On Main St
10 3/12/2024
Oops Darts Real Slim Shadys The Point On Main St
Bat Shitz Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
Dart Gods Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Yo Man The Point On Main St
2 Darts Out On The Hog The Point On Main St
Black Ice Whats The Point The Point On Main St
Flight Club Show Me Your Tips The Point On Main St
11 3/19/2024
Dart Gods 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Black Ice The Point On Main St
Real Slim Shadys Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
Oops Darts On The Hog The Point On Main St
Bat Shitz Whats The Point The Point On Main St
Flight Club Yo Man The Point On Main St
12 3/26/2024
Black Ice 2 Darts Out The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Whats The Point The Point On Main St
Dart Gods On The Hog The Point On Main St
Bat Shitz Yo Man The Point On Main St
Oops Darts Shake And Bake The Point On Main St
Flight Club Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
Show Me Your Tips Real Slim Shadys The Point On Main St
13 4/02/2024
Black Ice Big Sexy And Beauty The Point On Main St
Shake And Bake Real Slim Shadys The Point On Main St
Yo Man Show Me Your Tips The Point On Main St
On The Hog Flight Club The Point On Main St
Whats The Point Oops Darts The Point On Main St
2 Darts Out Bat Shitz The Point On Main St
Drinking Class Dart Gods The Point On Main St

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