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1350 Oxley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43212

Schedule Report for QDLF23 - Quad League Fremont F23

Report Date: 12/10/2024 6:02 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1HighDont Be Jelly
Plaza Lanes
Kevin Young
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420
2HighHarrison Tavern
Sniper Darts Sports
Sean Harrison
2038 W State Street, Fremont, OH 43420
3HighIs It In
Plaza Lanes
Angie Askins
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420
4HighNational Lampoon
Plaza Lanes
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420
5HighS F W
Sniper Darts Sports
2038 W State Street, Fremont, OH 43420
6HighSmells Like BullsHit
Sniper Darts Sports
Roger Wieczorek
2038 W State Street, Fremont, OH 43420
1LowForce Awakens
Plaza Lanes
Shelly Thayer
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420
Plaza Lanes
Andrew Hansen
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420
3LowQueens And Kings
Sniper Darts Sports
Jose Almaguer
2038 W State Street, Fremont, OH 43420

4LowTo The Point
Plaza Lanes
Ann Salyers
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420
5LowWhats The Point
Plaza Lanes
Dee Owens
2641 E. State St. Fremont, OH 43420

6LowWise Guys And A Gal
Sniper Darts Sports
2038 W State Street, Fremont, OH 43420

Division High

Site Name Site Address Site Phone
Sniper Darts Sports2038 W State Street, Fremont OH, 43420
Plaza Lanes2641 E. State St. Fremont OH, 43420419-332-1192

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/12/2023
S F W National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports
Smells Like BullsHit Is It In Sniper Darts Sports
Harrison Tavern Dont Be Jelly Plaza Lanes
2 9/19/2023
Smells Like BullsHit Harrison Tavern Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly S F W Plaza Lanes
Is It In National Lampoon Plaza Lanes
3 9/26/2023
S F W Harrison Tavern Sniper Darts Sports
National Lampoon Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
Is It In Dont Be Jelly Plaza Lanes
4 10/03/2023
Harrison Tavern National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports
S F W Is It In Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
5 10/10/2023
Harrison Tavern Is It In Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly National Lampoon Plaza Lanes
Smells Like BullsHit S F W Sniper Darts Sports
6 10/17/2023
National Lampoon S F W Plaza Lanes
Is It In Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
Dont Be Jelly Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes
7 10/24/2023
Harrison Tavern Smells Like BullsHit Sniper Darts Sports
S F W Dont Be Jelly Sniper Darts Sports
National Lampoon Is It In Plaza Lanes
8 11/07/2023
Harrison Tavern S F W Sniper Darts Sports
Smells Like BullsHit National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly Is It In Plaza Lanes
9 11/14/2023
National Lampoon Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes
Is It In S F W Plaza Lanes
Smells Like BullsHit Dont Be Jelly Sniper Darts Sports
10 11/21/2023
Is It In Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes
National Lampoon Dont Be Jelly Plaza Lanes
S F W Smells Like BullsHit Sniper Darts Sports
11 11/28/2023
S F W National Lampoon Plaza Lanes
Smells Like BullsHit Is It In Sniper Darts Sports
Harrison Tavern Dont Be Jelly Sniper Darts Sports
12 12/05/2023
Smells Like BullsHit Harrison Tavern Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly S F W Plaza Lanes
Is It In National Lampoon Plaza Lanes
13 12/12/2023
S F W Harrison Tavern Sniper Darts Sports
National Lampoon Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
Is It In Dont Be Jelly Plaza Lanes
14 12/19/2023
Harrison Tavern National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports
S F W Is It In Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
15 1/02/2024
Harrison Tavern Is It In Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly National Lampoon Plaza Lanes
Smells Like BullsHit S F W Sniper Darts Sports
16 1/09/2024
National Lampoon S F W Plaza Lanes
Is It In Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
Dont Be Jelly Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes
17 1/16/2024
Harrison Tavern Smells Like BullsHit Sniper Darts Sports
S F W Dont Be Jelly Sniper Darts Sports
National Lampoon Is It In Plaza Lanes
18 1/23/2024
Harrison Tavern S F W Sniper Darts Sports
Smells Like BullsHit National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports
Dont Be Jelly Is It In Plaza Lanes
19 1/30/2024
National Lampoon Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes
Is It In S F W Plaza Lanes
Smells Like BullsHit Dont Be Jelly Sniper Darts Sports
20 2/06/2024
Is It In Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes
National Lampoon Dont Be Jelly Plaza Lanes
S F W Smells Like BullsHit Sniper Darts Sports
21 2/13/2024
Harrison Tavern BYE BYE
National Lampoon Is It In Plaza Lanes
Dont Be Jelly Smells Like BullsHit Plaza Lanes
22 2/20/2024
S F W Dont Be Jelly Sniper Darts Sports
Harrison Tavern National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports
23 2/27/2024
S F W National Lampoon Sniper Darts Sports Championship Match
Dont Be Jelly Harrison Tavern Plaza Lanes 3RD PLACE MATCH

Division Low

Site Name Site Address Site Phone
Plaza Lanes2641 E. State St. Fremont OH, 43420419-332-1192
Sniper Darts Sports2038 W State Street, Fremont OH, 43420

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/12/2023
Whats The Point Force Awakens Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Hustlers Sniper Darts Sports
To The Point Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
2 9/19/2023
Wise Guys And A Gal To The Point Sniper Darts Sports
Whats The Point Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
Force Awakens Hustlers Plaza Lanes
3 9/26/2023
To The Point Force Awakens Plaza Lanes
Hustlers Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Wise Guys And A Gal Sniper Darts Sports
4 10/03/2023
Whats The Point To The Point Plaza Lanes
Force Awakens Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Hustlers Sniper Darts Sports
5 10/10/2023
To The Point Hustlers Plaza Lanes
Force Awakens Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Whats The Point Sniper Darts Sports
6 10/17/2023
Force Awakens Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Hustlers Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings To The Point Sniper Darts Sports
7 10/24/2023
To The Point Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Whats The Point Sniper Darts Sports
Hustlers Force Awakens Plaza Lanes
8 11/07/2023
Force Awakens To The Point Plaza Lanes
Whats The Point Hustlers Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Queens And Kings Sniper Darts Sports
9 11/14/2023
To The Point Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Force Awakens Sniper Darts Sports
Hustlers Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
10 11/21/2023
Hustlers To The Point Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Force Awakens Sniper Darts Sports
Whats The Point Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
11 11/28/2023
Whats The Point Force Awakens Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Hustlers Sniper Darts Sports
To The Point Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
12 12/05/2023
Wise Guys And A Gal To The Point Sniper Darts Sports
Whats The Point Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
Force Awakens Hustlers Plaza Lanes
13 12/12/2023
To The Point Force Awakens Plaza Lanes
Hustlers Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Wise Guys And A Gal Sniper Darts Sports
14 12/19/2023
Whats The Point To The Point Plaza Lanes
Force Awakens Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Hustlers Sniper Darts Sports
15 1/02/2024
To The Point Hustlers Plaza Lanes
Force Awakens Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Whats The Point Sniper Darts Sports
16 1/09/2024
Force Awakens Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Hustlers Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings To The Point Sniper Darts Sports
17 1/16/2024
To The Point Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Whats The Point Sniper Darts Sports
Hustlers Force Awakens Plaza Lanes
18 1/23/2024
Force Awakens To The Point Plaza Lanes
Whats The Point Hustlers Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Queens And Kings Sniper Darts Sports
19 1/30/2024
To The Point Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Force Awakens Sniper Darts Sports
Hustlers Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes
20 2/06/2024
Hustlers To The Point Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings Force Awakens Sniper Darts Sports
Whats The Point Wise Guys And A Gal Plaza Lanes
21 2/13/2024
Force Awakens BYE BYE
Wise Guys And A Gal BYE BYE
Hustlers Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Queens And Kings To The Point Sniper Darts Sports
22 2/20/2024
Force Awakens Whats The Point Plaza Lanes
Wise Guys And A Gal Queens And Kings Sniper Darts Sports
23 2/27/2024
Force Awakens Queens And Kings Plaza Lanes Championship Match
Wise Guys And A Gal Whats The Point Sniper Darts Sports 3RD PLACE MATCH

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